Earn rewards with
TRIO's Reward Pools
Spend points (XP) in Trio Reward Pools. The Trio Points system is designed to give back to you, our loyal customers. By engaging with the Trio ecosystem, you receive XP for completing orders, minting, inscribe, and of course buying and holding Trio in your wallet (XP Mining).
0 XP
Hold TRIO,
Mine XP
By simply holding TRIO token, you will be mining XP points daily. No action is required on your part, other than holding TRIO in your non-custodial Bitcoin Wallet of your choice. Hold more TRIO to earn more XP. Earn more XP to spend on rewards, including more TRIO! It's that simple.
Hold TRIO, Earn Points (XP)
What is XP Mining?TRIO is the first BRC20 token to offer a ‘staking-like’ reward system. No action is required on your part to initiate the mining process, other than connecting your wallet to one of the OrdinalsBot apps. Once you connect your wallet, you will automatically start mining XP. Every 144 blocks, your official mining balance will be updated based on your TRIO holdings.
How does it work?
Step 1Buy Trio on an Exchange
Step 2Move TRIO to a non-custodial wallet
Step 3Earn points every day for holding TRIO
Earn XP DailyReward cycle distributes points every 144 blocks. We're currently on block 0 in this cycle. The current block height is
You need to hold some TRIO for at least 24 hours to start Mining XP Points.
0 XPNext Point Cycle begins in est.
Block 0
Block 144
The value shown above is an accurate estimation of the amount of points you will receive next cycle.
TRIO Balance
Synthetic Balance
Total Earnings
0 XP

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